Saturday 5 December 2020

Revolution in Automotive domain. Let us understand its impact on Job creation

Automotive domain is revolutionising rapidly. Engine cars to Battery operated cars, Driver driven to Driverless Autonomous cars, Fuel based to Green energy and Electric cars, Standalone to Connected cars which is bringing in the cyber security technology to automotive domain and it is impossible for you to not have noticed this revolution and change happening in the Automotive industry. Also you notice lot of comforts and luxury features being implemented in a car and more luxury is incorporated day by day. So how does this revolution impact the job industry and how is this coping with the Corona Pandemic? Some light and analysis in this regard will be shed on this aspect in this article.


            It is expected that 110 million vehicles will be produced by 2025. Asia has become the hottest market in terms of passenger vehicle production. And it will increase by 7 million and by 2030 around 117 million cars will be produced annually. Also the technology is drastically changing or rather increasing day by day. Cyber security is entering automotive domain. Energy alternatives like solar, and electric vehicles and super capacitors etc are gaining relevance and role. The number of embedded systems controlling the vehicle parts called ECUs are increasing. The software architecture is standardised called Autosar and becoming more complex day by day with multiple upgrades and releases. You can know about the various releases and learn more about autosar from its official website: . Understanding about autosar and its need and its various aspects is very important if you are or want to work in automotive industry because Autosar has got a monopoly over automotive industry and will continue to do so for a foreseeable future.

            It is obvious that since lot of developments and advancements are happening in automotive industry, a high demand for employees will be there. New skilled engineers are obviously needed. So the demand is obviously more compared to demand previously in Automotive world. Also we have to consider the impact of Covid pandemic. Due to corona effect, lot of engineers have lost their jobs and now since the effect is on downhill and social structure is correcting, the number of engineers looking for job is very high. So the supply also has increased drastically than the demand. Now what does the engineers have to do to get the job in such a high level of competition and work in such an exciting domain? The answer is simple. You have to improve your skillset. Become better than the competition. If you have a job in a automotive domain also if you don’t update your knowledge and skillset and remain on the edge, it is difficult to climb up the career ladder and you will have to miss out on various career opportunities.


Now how do you improve your skillset and be updated? Online courses is best option. Also you can dedicate a certain amount of time daily to improve yourself which will work wonders for your knowledge as well as confidence. Make investment in yourself and it is sure to pay off in time. I am saying this with my personal experience and it is repeated by many successful people.

Whats the plan then? I would suggest that always start with choosing the list of skills you want to learn and improve. Then on each topic start with a good online course. It is better to choose online platforms like Udemy than youtube. The main reason being in udemy you will get complete courses with quiz and tests and certification and also possibility of getting your queries answered. You can get full refund if you are not satisfied with the content and also its lifetime access. Also since the content is made by an expert and reviewerd by an expert before becoming live online, these courses are more reliable compared to some blogs and youtube videos.

Once you complete the course on these topics and skillset, you will have a good motivation and understanding of the topic, so now sit with tools and practice the practical aspects of the skill. This will help you in mastering the skill. Once you et hands on experience you can make study groups and discussion groups to share and learn more on it and do mock inter views amongst yourselves and this will really give you a understanding of how much of an expertise you have on the matter compared to others in the industry.

So this much must surely help you in mastering any topic and update your skillset and make you accelerate in your career growth.


I myself am a Udemy instructopn in automotive domain and below are the links to my 3 best seller udemy online courses.

Course Name: Learn Autosar from Scratch (Beginner to Intermediate)

Course Link:   

Coupan code: ARDECEMBER2020


Course Name: Learn Autosar DCM and Diagstack from scratch

Course Link:

Coupan code: DCMDECEMBER2020


Course Name: Master CAN protocol completely from Scratch (CAN + CAN-FD)

Course Link:

Coupan code: CANDECEMBER2020


You can watch the promotial videos of all  this courses here on youtube

Youtube playlist link:  


Also Link to my blog:


You can see the promo videos before enrolling. Also I have a group in whatsapp for discussion and sharing the knowledge:


Happy learning!! Enjoy 

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